Monday, September 22, 2008

Gold Mesh Earrings

I went to the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art a couple of weeks ago. There is a room called the "Treasury" which contains fantastic gold pieces from ancient Central and South America. I came across an outstanding piece of jewelry that was hundreds of years old. It was a nose flair or ornament. It kind of looks like an upside down fan which clips into your presumably pierced nose (like a bull's nose ring). What was amazing is that the fan was made from an extremely delicate mesh of 24k gold rings that were separated by thick gold wire into compartments. Given that nose flairs are out of vogue (thank god), I decided to design a set of earrings based on the same principal. The handmade gold mesh will also hold a number of small bezel set stones. I think the earrings will look best with primary color stones which will seem to float in the gold mesh.

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