Sunday, February 22, 2009

Angelina Jolie Emerald Earrings

Angelina Jolie came to the Oscars equipped with a magnificent set of emerald earrings by Lorraine Schwartz and a matching emerald cocktail ring.

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  1. so ugly and fake looking!

  2. Spectacular. Breathtaking. Perfect movie-star choice.

  3. So unexpected. Different than your "usual" diamond ensemble. Left a lasting impression on my mind. Stunning.

  4. Pearls would have been a better choice all around. What was she thinking?

  5. Pearls!! Those are frigging emeralds!! Spectacular and rare!! You never see then set so beautifully.....she knows whats shes doing......

  6. open your other eye and look again.....they are ugly!!!

  7. It's all about green and Angelina lead the trend by opting for extraordinarily beautiful emeralds over diamonds. You will see others follow in upcoming events, but all will remember Angelina for being the first. Beautiful!!

  8. Maybe she should just borrow some of your Avon clip-ons?? Or maybe stick some self adhesive sticker dots on her ears......and put a rubber band around her have no soul!!!

  9. Love the emeralds. Are they blood free?

  10. well My God! Who cares if they are blood free......the value of the lives of a few workers pale in comparison to the value and beauty of these emeralds!!

  11. Those emeralds are absolutely marvellous! To see emeralds that beautiful and that BIG is very rare. They went with her dark dress and hair perfectly.

  12. Absolutely stunning. Exquisite taste. A wonderful splash of color. Who wears like Angie?! Silly peeps: it looks like fake jewelry because hardly anyone can afford this kind of opulence.

  13. I love the emeralds girl. You ROCKED the red carpet with those. WOW!!!

  14. I know someone who can afford them, but she's so cheap, she won't even spend money on the fake ones! These are definitely fake!

  15. Nobody mentioned the ring...bling bling lol how many kids would that feed in Africa :) or
    America for that matter...

  16. The best emeralds in the world are from Muzo mines in Colombia. Brazil, India and Africa emeralds are sometimes bigger but their quality and color never compare with the Colombian emeralds. Angelina's emerald earrings definitely look bad quality. they most be from Africa.

  17. I thought they were stunning! To get emeralds in that size and quality is just amazing! Much rarer than diamonds in that size/quality.
    And does no one catch the metaphor 'Green with envy' considering a certain ex-wife was presenting.. and that certain ex-wife looked very out of sorts emotionally, but I give her credit for doing it! Go Camp Jolie! Love her!! The sexiest woman on the planet~

  18. People here are so silly! The stars NEVER buy their own gowns or jewels! They are all on loan for the evening, used to promote the designer. Why do you think they all get asked, 'Who are you wearing'? Come on people, get with the Awards program!

  19. Those earrings were a stimulus package of their own for a small country!

  20. Thank you Sophia for the posting! Those emeralds were such a gorgeous sight! I wondered about them all night and wondered if they are old inventory or is there any new material coming out of the ground of that quality any longer. The setting is magnificent! BTW, we were in Kate's wax class together in September. Your website looks great! I hope you are doing well! Best regards, Nel

  21. OHFG! When I spotted these earrings I fell off my sofa...then I saw the ring and lost consciousness. Comparing these to Avon clip ons is blasphemy! Clearly, anyone who knows anything about real gemstones knew this emerald ensemble were the real deal. I wonder if Fred Leighton had a bodyguard for these jewels? Angie you are unstoppable. Also, I doubt these gems are blood/conflict free due to the fact that there just aren't veins of emeralds this size being mined anymore. I know I'd give my life to wear this set for just one day. lol...just kidding! Who needs an effing Oscar when you look like her and have her life?

  22. Just to clear up the issue of conflict stones, most reputable jewelry stores belong to the American Gem Society (AGS), or to the American Gem Trade Association (AGTA), among other trade associations. AGS even has a "club" of stores that have been in business for over 100 years. You can go to their website and read their Code of Ethics which states that their members agree they will NOT trade in conflict gemstones. They go to great lengths to make sure that the gems are legit, we all do. It is not worth the publicity nor the hassle to trade in any conflict gems and have anyone find out, then be out of business. It would mean that the reputation of the jeweler would be in jeopardy or they could just be trashed by the publicity. Jewelers are VERY well aware of this dilemma and 99.9999% of jewelers have the desire to only work with conflict-free material. We talk about this amongst ourselves all of the time! We love our jobs! It is our passion, we might even love it more than the customer who buys and wears the jewels. So trust me, if those stones were on the red carpet last night, they are conflict free! Those stones each has its own GIA grading certificate with its origin. Leighton's would not risk otherwise.
    (I wish I could have been at the GIA lab when those beauties came in! Phew!)

  23. She has impeccable taste in clothes and jewelry. Very rarely makes a mistake. On her....and at the knew in a minute that they were real and rare and very magnificent. Good for her.

  24. Angelina's emeralds were the BEST thing about the Oscars, with so many gowns so disappointing (except for Amy Adams). bold simplicity - a new paradigm in jewelry!


  26. So the moron's with no color sense would rather have blood diamonds than green emeralds that match her eyes??

    At least she's putting her values into her statement.

  27. The emeralds are not 'bad' quality... but rather natural. Many coloured stones are artifically coloured to create a deeper more consistant colour.....these have not been 'doctored up'... are natural, very rare due to the size and the consistancy of colour between all the stones!
    Like usual- understated and above perfection!
    (naturally NOT from a war torn country)

  28. Those emeralds were so large and so clear that I thought they were crystals. They kind of looked fake.

  29. The earrings are undoubtedly expensive but I had a chandelier as a kid that looked just like them. That said, the TAT on her arm just killed the earrings, the dress, the body. Her tats much like Alyssa Milano's spoil her natural beauty every time & no amount of bling makes up for that no matter what her name is.

  30. I thought it looked as if she had CHRISTMAS ornaments hanging from her ears! She should have dressed up as a CHRISTMAS TREE!

  31. well as Liz Taylor once said about her jewels--- they are only tacky if you don't own them!
    She is fabulous, not boring, exciting--- and frankly my dears "doesn't give a da*n what silly little suburban housewives think of her! ouch-- I think that does include Jennifer- boring, housewife material---.

  32. Her earrings are absolutely fantastic.

  33. The earrings are great, but I crave the ring!

  34. Boring dress needs bling to be bright. The earings are nice but Angelinas hand are to ugly for that ring.....

  35. I have read the comments above and cannot believe how many bored, lonely, mean, insecure fools there are out there.

    Get a life of your own so you don't need to live one vicariously through someone else and then attempt to tear them down to try and make your selves feel's really pathetic.

    For all of you that have made disparaging remarks about those emeralds and the way Angelina, although not one of my favourite celebrities, looked that night...get serious!!!

    There is not one of you that made a negative remark that would turn down those jewels if you could afford them or even a facsimile of them.

    And by the way Angelina's choice of green, the colour of HOPE as it is called, may actually mean more than just a stunning accesory to a fantastic dress on one of the most beautiful women in the world.

    Think about it and what she does for the world.

    For those wondering ... yes they are real and no they do not look like christmas ornaments.... visit a museum and see what exceprional quality emeralds look like then you may remember not to post such garbage on here.

  36. hmmmm.....nope...I still think they look like plastic and nope....I wouldn't want them.....and yup.....I think you need to learn how to spell!!!

  37. Although the emeralds are impressive, they somehow do not go with the outfit/face features etc. Also, who mined those huge things? Are they Burmese, which is most likely? Taking into account what is going on in that region politically and the working conditions in he mines she should be ashamed to wear them - it is most unethical. Isn't she supposed to be a super rich billionaire doing a huge amount of charity work - it contradicts each other.

  38. Does anybody know the origin of these emeralds? i am Colombian but I had never seen any these huge except for the Smithsonian displays. Are they from Lorraine Schwartz or Fred Leighton? Would they know where they are from? Just curious ...

  39. hmmm....I should have misspelled favourite and colour so you know what I meant....sorry about that.... favorite and color for the individual that didn't know that there is more than one spelling for these words.

    Try a local dictionary...very, very helpful!

    The only reason they may look like plastic to you is because, chances are excellent that, you have never seen real emeralds before.

    Especially large, fine, specimens such as these.

    Take a look in your local museum as I am sure they have one or two.

    That way you get the idea of what fine, real, emeralds look like.

    Those of us that have seen or own them know the difference.

    These emeralds are not Burmese by the way...they are Columbian.

    For those concerned about her being ashamed of wearing them or the conditions in third world countries, I agree that it is very unfortunate.

    That working conditions are horrible and unfair but what would be the alternative for these people for survival??

    They work hard to make little in order to survive, but if we boycott everything that is suspect of less than perfect working conditions, driving these mines/businesses out of business, what would these people do to survive.

    None of them are working in those conditions by choice... they do it because there is no alternative.

    Work hard and survive or you and/or your family starve.

    Have any of you thought about the blood you pour into your gas tanks, Iraq for instance, or anything else of great value you own because if it is worth a lot of money, chances are it has had blood on it at some point.

    Sad but true.

  40. OH for real... Does anyone know where I can by the knock offs cheap for a party on tuesdaY?

  41. I MUST have those earrings. They are the only earrings I have ever noticed at the Oscars. The colour is so gorgeous, I want them so badly. *cries*

  42. Can't stand her but you have to give it to her, she rocked those earrings, she looked absolutely stunning. So beautiful.

    She's still a home wrecker though!!!

  43. I wish I was as beautiful as angelina jolie, and I wish I could own those emerald earrings, and ring! GOD BLESS ANGELINA,BRAD,AND FAMILY! JUNE 11,2009.

  44. Those emeralds are from COLOMBIA!!!! here they're like flowers they're everywhere ... she looks perfect.
